Rachel Kay nutritionist.

Meet your practitioner

Rachel is a degree-qualified nutritionist passionate about all things wellness. Combining the healing power of food as medicine, functional testing, and holistic health, Rachel empowers her clients to become the healthiest and happiest versions of themselves.

The current reactive health model is failing us. Too often, people with similar symptoms are given the same treatment, with that treatment being a particular medication. A functional approach is personalised to you. Rachel will take a deep dive to find the root cause of why your symptoms are occurring, and then tailor a treatment plan specific to you utilising food as medicine, along with a holistic wellness approach.

There are no band-aid approaches here — let me help you get to the root cause of your health issues. Live a life where you thrive, not just survive.

Nourish your body, nourish your life ~

How I can help you

Personalised nutrition plans

Digestive issues and gut health

Female hormonal support

Energy and adrenal fatigue

Skin and hair health

Weight management

Allergies and intolerances

Immune support

Mental health and mood

Preparing for pregnancy


Optimal wellness

Work with Rachel